Friday, 26 February 2010

This week... What week..?.. Pizza Sandwiches. Dossers. Crash.

Well it's Friday. Again...

How did we get here so quick..? Looking back over the week I can think of.... 1 thing that I have done which is mildly productive.. and that was about half an hour ago when I cleaned the toilet. Delightful.

So yeah, as you can tell.. this week has been pretty weird. I went home last Thursday and stayed till Tuesday. It was nice catching up with friends back home, and naturally getting absolutely hammered (Naturally because that's what is expected of students... but also because I went to a party of the house variety, where double shot drinks turn into mainly neat vodka as the night goes on). Sometimes I begin to think where my life has gone... I'm definitely not in the state I thought I would have been a few years ago. If I could have seen myself now I'd be appalled.

The rest of the week... well I don't know what I've done.. I must have slept I guess. Actually! We went on a pub crawl on Wednesday. That was awesome. I like to have things to remind me of particular events, or periods of my life. That night gave me a road sign stating 'Traffic Control Ahead' Which is presented proudly against the wall outside, along with the nice oak stool I acquired from a front garden.

So here we are. Friday. Again. I only have a week and a half left of uni before I'm back home again. This term has literally flown past. (Well not literally... that would be pretty odd..)

I'm not sure if I want to go back to be honest. Things have been pretty weird since I moved away. Like having two lives. One of my best friends has just deleted me off Facebook for some unknown reason. That's got to me a bit. And then there's the issue of everyone at home actually working.. so I'll be there most probably bored until the evenings, me ready to party and everyone else ready to go to bed so that they can get up for work the next day. Brilliant.

So, I may stay here with my fellow dossers.. and doss around some more. The summer will be better for catching up I guess. It will probably do me good to stay away from home for longer, I always come back to London regretting going back for one reason or another.

There is one pretty shit thing from this week actually... my sisters DBS stimulator which was new in Octoberish may be... F*!*ed... I think is the technical term. Which may mean more surgery. What a load of absolute bollocks. As if she hasn't already had enough.

Ray's coming round in a bit... he has no internet and shizz so we're gonna do some work on After Effects as we're both still learning it. We were talking earlier about a pizza sandwich with a fried chicken filling. Yes! The best think about student life is food. I was thinking about it the other day, and the fact of the matter is, the majority of time at uni is spent drinking, or appreciating food.

I also nearly had a bad car accident earlier. Some cock decided to take the first exit off a roundabout from the right lane.. therefore cutting me up big time causing me to nearly hit them, and someone to nearly hit me. Problem was, in all the adrenaline fuelled commotion I couldn't find my horn! The one time I'm well within my right to use it and the person in question has shot off. Typical.

So yeah, that has been my week. I hope you have enjoyed reading my first blog, describing my mostly boring life. Maybe I'll try to do something really exciting, like break my wrist for next week! Goodbye for 7!

Flan x