The party was ace and a good time was had by all! Here are a few snapshots taken from videos - their whereabouts I intend to keep private!
There was a pretty good turn out, and I had attached my laptop to the stereo, and loaded up 'Grooveshark' - a website that streams pretty much any song ever for free. You can make playlists and it allowed people to choose songs and put them into the playlist. It worked really well!

...colour them in....

...Drag them outside...

In fact, it became clear at the party that if anyone fell asleep, they would be pranked in someway or another. A vuvuzela came in handy to wake people up suddenly, as did a cymbal and an air horn. As morning broke and people started to tire, the party moved entirely to the front room, where we played a human game of 'Bukaroo!' as shown below.

Morning also saw amusing sights such as this....

So over all, I declare the party a success! Everyone enjoyed themselves, and the clean up operation went pretty smoothly, despite taking about 8 hours.
The downside is - someone at the party had a cold, and now everyone else has a cold... but hey ho!
Speak to you soon!
Flan x
Oh yeah.... Haha!........