Wow. I've been busy... I've literally only just managed to grab a few moments to write a blog.
So I'll go right back. Last week my trackpad broke on my mac, just a few days before a big edit. Typical! I could go about this by outputting stupid cliche idioms like 'Oh! They don't make them like they used to!' but when I actually stop and think, my laptop has been used everyday for the past year and a bit. Besides, I really can't complain; mac being mac and providing their excellent customer service managed to book me into an appointment then next day and fix it the following day free of charge. Brilliant.
So on Thursday we did the first day of our music video shoot. This was based at mine and involved smashing up old electrical appliances, glass etc as well as burning stuff. Sounds right up my street, but for once I actually had an excuse! We got some really nice shots and all was good!
So then, Friday was the start of a long long weekend. It started by picking up equipment from Rave ready for the shoot over the weekend. We had a lot of stuff, and I can assure you it wasn't fun getting it all home!
The weekend was with the band 'Mekanizm' who are a metal band. This involved loudness and I do feel for my ears. They took rather a bashing. The shoot went really well and it was nice to go back to production again. I haven't been on a proper shoot since Rawlins. Having said that, I'd be quite happy not to be on a shoot again, I'm much happier in my dark room editing away!
Here's a few pics from the day.
The set.
It was a tough weekend with little sleep, and that continued into this week.
On Monday I went to Television Centre to see the recording of 'Big Fat Quiz of the Year'. I went to see my Dad first whilst the others went and waited. They got there so early we were invited to go and see 'The Alan Tichmarsh Show' before hand and got reserved seats for Big Fat Quiz. It was rather bizarre in the Alan Tichmarsh Show; we were the only people under 50!
Big Fat Quiz was amazing. Before they actually started I got picked on by the warm up act (thanks to Ray..) who decided to try and set me up with some girls in the room. We had a good banter session in front of the studio audience, and I managed to get a spontaneous applause and laughter from the audience which I was rather proud of!
The floor manager came in to say we needed to wrap up, and suddenly Jimmy Carr was standing pretty much next to me. So surreal!
The record went on for 5 hours, and having had no sleep I was already really tired! None of the less it was really funny and definitely worth going! We left White City at about half 12, and all of the tubes had finished. We managed to get a bus back towards Westminster where we could get another bus from to get home, but about 15 minutes into the journey a fight broke out and someone decided it's be a fantastic idea to smash the bus door. We all had to get off the bus and we ended up walking.
We didn't get back till 3am, and I was up again at 9 ready to edit the music video.
And that leaves us the rest of the week, which has involved editing every day. It's going really well so far and we intend to be finished by Saturday.
Home on Sunday, so I'll write when I'm back!
Flan x
It all sounds a regular day then Flan.....
ReplyDeleteSleep over Christmas..... zzzzzzzzzzzz ;-D