Apologies for that awful last post, in all honesty I don't even remember writing it. I've been pretty ill in the last week, but the way I look at it, illness is like any other challenge in life. I don't just back down and let it take it's course, (which to be honest is probably the better option) I power on regardless if I can. Life's too short. However this attitude has meant a few days at college feeling like I was about to drop off the planet whilst coughing my lungs up. Nice.
Besides the illness, last week was a pretty good week,
contrary to how it came across in my last anomalous post. On Tuesday I was at Riverside Studios, watching the recording of Russell Howard's Good News for BBC 3. Proof:

It was a really good show and I really enjoyed it, especially as I watch it religiously every week on TV anyway! You'd think that would be enough good fun for one night; you'd be wrong.
I went to see Russell with 2 friends from Rawlins; Morena and Duncan. Morena lives in London anyway, but Duncan came down from Leicester. It was great to see them both again, and after the show we went out to a club called The Roxy. It was a pretty nice club and I had a wicked night, a little like old times again!
I got home at around 7 on Wednesday morning, and pretty much slept most of the day (luckily it was my day off!). In the evening I went back to my old house for one of the new tenants and my ex housemates birthday, which also tripled up as a belated Firework night. It was a good night as well, but after all that and my infection coming on I was ready to keel over.
It didn't stop there. The following day I had a meeting with a band in Bromley for our music video. It took about 2 hours to get there and was ridiculous! It was great meeting the band though and getting some creative juices flowing.
I feel like since then I've been pretty much working on my DVD game, which is coming along nicely. The graphical view showing all of the buttons and links looks really complicated though, and it;s not even finished yet!

Tomorrow Chloe is coming down to London to have her stimulator tweaked again. She's not doing well at the moment by the sounds of it. Not surprising really when she's come of a substantial amount of drugs in the last month. I hope to finish college early and go over to visit quickly. That'll be nice, I really miss Chlo!
Well, that's about it, I've filled in a few of the gaps that my last atrocious post failed to fill!
Write Soon,
Flan x
Good to hear - glad you are feeling better now! Sounds like a wicked time!
ReplyDeleteHope Chloe feels better too with the tweaking - great place that Evelina, fantastic staff.
Ha! Verification word - Pride.. Proud of Chloe yeah?!