I've appear to have come down with some kind of chest infection etc... it's pretty bad but I'll live! Also, I think I should probably talk a little bit about the game of catch that got a little bit out of hand.
The other night we started a game of catch. Obviously, catching a ball is not as entertaining as it used to be, we needed to add another element to it, for example, the same concept as a water balloon - if you drop it, you get wet. However, due to the lack of water balloons, we went for the next best thing - empty glass bottles. By the end of the game our kitchen was a pretty dangerous environment, and it took about 7 hours to clear it all up. Probably shouldn't do that again.
I'd like to point you to my brand new blog! This one of course will continue as normal, however, I now have a new splinter blog, entirely dedicated to documenting my dreams. You can check it out here - 'The Dream Journals'
Hopefully I'll have some slightly more interesting news next week!
Flan x
Hope you soon feel better Ned......... Yeah - bottles not the best idea.